EmoLED Photobiomodulation Therapy

Introducing EmoLED: the first medical device for targeted Photobiomodulation with LED Blue Light.

Photobiomodulation is a process that causes changes in target tissues as a result of cell types that are sensitive to light (chromophores): these absorb the luminous energy and transform it into biochemical signals associated with processes involved in complete wound healing.

EmoLED is intended as an adjuvant therapy in the management of hard-to-heal wounds. EmoLED treatment may benefit a wide variety of wound types including those that have failed to heal with standard care such as chronic ulcers or other stalled wounds. The addition of EmoLED may help reduce wound severity, pain and progress to complete healing.

Performing a 60 second light treatment once a week, in venous leg ulcers a significant reduction in pain as early as the fourth week has been reported, coinciding with an observable onset of clinical signs that indicate the overcoming of inflammatory phase, critical to the healing process.
Typical progression of a venous leg ulcer treated with EmoLED in ten weeks observation time. Blue LED Light irradiation must be performed on the entire wound area at every dressing change session, after thorough wound cleansing and appropriate debridement.

Reference: Effectiveness of Blue light photobiomodulation therapy in the treatment of chronic wounds. Results of the Blue Light for Ulcer Reduction (B.L.U.R.) Study. Fraccalvieri, M et al Pietro & RICCI, E. (2021). Italian Journal of Dermatology and Venereology. 10.23736/S2784-8671.21.07067-5.


Week 8
Case from published study. Right side of wound (in blue square) exposed to 7 treatment of EmoLED . All other treatment remain the same.

Please consult your physician regarding EmoLED for chronic wound healing.

Please consult medical professionals for the use of any products.
